Using Facebook Fan Pages to promote your website!
What are the advantages of using Facebook “Fan Pages” over “Groups”?
The main advantage is, when you make a wall post to your own wall (also known as a status update), the post is submitted to every fan’s Homepage Feed. This means every “fan” of your page will see all posts you make on your Fan Page. This can generate a lot of interest towards your group – but remember, do not spam your fans with status updates because it will cause people to become very agrivated and they may stop being a fan! (NOT GOOD!)The other great think about Fan Pages is the Discussion boards. Every time anyone talks on a discussion topic on your Facebook Fan Page, it will send a notice to their profile “wall” saying they have participated in a discussion on *topic title* at *Fan Page name*.. This also attracts people to your page!
Get on with it! Tell me how to promote my site using Facebook Fan Pages!
Okay… To begin; Click here to make your Facebook Fan Page.Now, you need to follow the steps it gives you to build your Fan Page. Upload a decent, meaningful page display picture, fill in ALL the information secions that you can, and update your Page’s info box because this is displayed on every section of your Fan Page making it extra important!
Now go to the Invite Friends link. Here you will be able to select friends from your friends list to invite to the group – and you will run into TWO MASSIVE annoyances – It limits you to inviting a maximum of 20 people, AND you have to select them all manually! Ugh!
However; I do have a tip to avoid this limitation! Simply add all your friends to a custom contact list.. Then, when inviting friends, choose that friend list in the “Filter” of who you want to add – then it will let you simply click “Select All” – And with that, the limit also disappears! Genius!
Then wait for people to join! It helps if your “Friends” are genuine friends because they will be more likely to join if a real friend has invited them!
Now, once a few people have joined (whether it be ten or one hundred), create a discussion topic, and give people inscentive to discuss the topic, even if it doesn’t match your page’s content, just make a discussion topic people will like to respond to, because at this point, what you want is interest! The benefits of being able to get people to your site only appear once you have those valuable fans!
There you have it, the basics of getting a Facebook Fan Page started and populated. All questions are welcomed!
Thank you for reading!
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WebTechnocratz providing the professional web design, domain registration, Dynamic Web Design, Logo Design, SEO, PPC, SEM, SMO and other solution to all industries to market their business on the internet and gain the better success then competitors. WebTechnocratz Design, Develop and Host your website that represent your business identity. Website Designing India, SEO India, SEO Company Delhi.
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